The integration and publication of the 2025 National Quality Infrastructure Program is the responsibility of the Ministry of Economy, through the General Bureau of Standards in its capacity as the Executive Secretariat of the National Quality Infrastructure Commission, based on Articles 1, section I; 2, sections V and VIII; 3, section VI; 5; 10, 15, section I, 16, 17, and 18, sections II and XVIII, 24, 29, and Transitory Third of the Quality Infrastructure Law; 4 of the Federal Administrative Procedure Law; 34, section XXXIII, of the Organic Law of the Federal Public Administration; 56 of the Regulations of the Federal Law on Metrology and Standardization; and 2, Section A, section II, item 19, 11, 12, sections IV and XXIX, and 36, sections I, VIII, and XII of the Internal Regulations of the Ministry of Economy.